Want to know what we can do for you?
Our Specialist Orthodontists are trained to treat all kinds of orthodontic issues for all age groups. Check out some of what we can do below (All cases have been treated by our Specialist Orthodontists):
Interceptive Treatment only = Protrusive teeth (before and after)
Interceptive Treatment only = underbite (before and after)
Interceptive treatment only = guided eruption – no braces (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment = Spacing – Invisalign (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment = Severe crowding (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment = deep bite and protrusion (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment = open bite and missing teeth (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment = surgical expansion (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment =impacted teeth (before and after)
Comprehensive Treatment = Canted and asymmetric smile (before and after)
Comprehensive treatment = Missing teeth (before and after)
Multidisciplinary Treatment = Orthodontics and Complex restorative (before and after)
Multidisciplinary treatment = Orthodontics and Implants (before and after)
Multidisciplinary treatment = Orthodontics and Jaw surgery (before and after)
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